CIP-8: Brand and Marketing Budget


Through the end of this year (December 31st 2021), we intend to allocate capital for brand and marketing initiatives as we enter into our next phase of growth and product upgrades.

UI/UX: Website & App V2

Giving website and app users the best experience possible while staying true to the Cryptex brand is something we strived for in our original designs of the website and app. With new feedback from the community and new products/upgrades on the horizon, we are bringing the group of designers back to:

  • Support UI/UX upgrades for new creations from the dev team (Polygon, Staking, Vaults V2)
  • Create a blog section on the website

Maximum budget for UI/UX: $20,000 USDC

Content Production

Cryptex has celebrated major milestones, educated and rewarded users with incredibly produced content. This group of creatives will create high quality, original content so we can:

Maximum budget for content production: $40,000 USDC

PR Partner

When we launched TCAP and CTX, some of the biggest names in crypto media covered that moment. Beyond that, we haven’t done a good job at all of keeping TCAP and Cryptex in the media on a consistent basis.

To fix this, we’ve found an experienced group that will help ensure Cryptex and TCAP gets the consistent mentions and global recognition they deserve. This group helps another project (worth ~$89B) that hasn’t launched yet. If they can drive quality, global recognition for them, imagine what they can do for Cryptex and TCAP!

Maximum budget for discovery and planning: $50,000

Maximum budget for PR: $45,000 ($15k/month)


We’ve found giveaways to be helpful in collaborating with others and driving awareness to Cryptex and TCAP.

We are interested in future giveaways like:

Maximum budget for giveaways: $10,000 USDC

Monthly Subscriptions

Contributors of the DAO are using tools (Netlify, Infura, Zoom, Typeform, Discourse, Linktree,,, Notion and Dune Analytics) to better connect, collaborate and learn.

Maximum budget for monthly subscriptions: $8,600 USDC


We’d like to budget a maximum of $15,000 USDC for one off opportunities or expenses that might arise.

Maximum Brand and Marketing Budget: $188,600 USDC

Through the end of this year (December 31st 2021) we intend to allocate this brand and marketing budget for:

  • UI/UX: Website & App V2 ($20,000 USDC)
  • Content Production ($40,000 USDC)
  • PR Partner ($95,000 USDC)
  • Giveaways ($10,000 USDC)
  • Monthly Subscriptions ($8,600 USDC)
  • Miscellaneous ($15,000 USDC)
  • For
  • Against

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You can keep up with how the budget is being utilized here: CIP-8 Budget & Utilization - Google Sheets

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