Ctx/camelot partnership

  1. CTX Camelot integration on Arbitrum:

⁃ Camelot will be the exclusive DEX (only DEX with rewards incentives) for Cryptex on Arbitrum.

⁃ The DAO will deploy an initial $50,000 CTX from the DAO Treasury to this Camelot pool.

⁃ The Cryptex core contributor multisig will then deploy initial rewards incentives of $1,000-$1,500 per month, which will be matched by Camelot for a total of $2,000-$3,000 a month in total initial incentives.

⁃ Goal of this program is to start at a reasonable rewards incentive level so we can all gauge how TVL grows and adapt additional incentives if needed via additional community discussion for incentive increases and/or vote for additions of CTX to this pool.

  • Voting FOR this proposal will initiate this action.
  • Voting AGAINST will do nothing.
  • This proposal is not intended to be investment or financial advice. Always do your own research. The Cryptex DAO, it’s contributors or community make no guarantees or warranties any efforts are successful.