Welcome to the Cryptex Community Forum

Welcome to the Cryptex Community Forum. We are happy to have you here with us!

Here are some things to know about this forum:

Who is this forum for?

Anyone who has an interest in Cryptex and its success. These are mostly users, ecosystem partners, blockchain enthusiasts, and other folks who want to help guide the future of Cryptex. Everyone has their own perspective, and we want everyone to be heard, but not all ideas can come to fruition. Let’s welcome each other’s opinions and remain respectful at all times.

What type of discussions take place here?

Anything connected to Cryptex and its success welcomes a discussion here. Share your ideas, proposals, and feedback, and vote on getting changes implemented at the protocol level. Nothing is out of reach - if you feel that something is important, bring it up in the relevant category!

How to choose a relevant category?

There are four categories of topics to begin with:

  • The Proposals section is reserved for well-formulated propositions called Cryptex Improvement Proposals (CIPs) to modify or implement something new for the Cryptex Protocol.
  • The Ideas section is for the initial thoughts on potential changes that require refinement and input from others.
  • The Ecosystem section is a place for discussing and ideating on the protocol’s interactions with the outside world, community, integrations, and partnerships.
  • If you are unsure where to post or the subject doesn’t fall into the other categories, then the General Discussion section is a good place to start.

Are there any rules for posting?

There are no restrictions or rules except those listed within their respective categories. Please be nice and read them before posting.

Also consider familiarizing yourself with the Cryptex DAO governance process or submit thoughts on its structure in the relevant thread :slight_smile:

Let’s govern Cryptex, together!